A child is most vulnerable for emotional and developmental suffering when the parents get divorced. You being the biological parent have the legal responsibility for the well-being of your child
even if you have fallen apart from for spouse. In such cases,
you should visit a Child Support Attorney in San Bernadino to know about your child’s future, safety and upbringing. All these aspects are well protected by a proper child support
and custody which the lawyer ensures and looks into. Moreover, just getting an order for child support is not enough until and unless it is enforced, support collected and paid on time.
Enforcement of Order
The order or judgment of child support must be enforced by the proper authority. This authority is the state government and also the Family Responsibility Office or FRO. They collect and maintain
a proper record of all the information, judgment and support orders issued by the judge with them. It is the duty of the Child Support Attorney in San Bernadino to ensure that both parents are
well aware of their responsibilities, the judgment and consequences. The FRO receives the check for the paying parent and sends it to the bank account of the receiving or custodial parent. As all
the information and contact details are with the FRO, they can and have the right to take legal action of the payer stops paying.
No Backing Out
Therefore, it is important that you ensure that child support is paid properly and the guidelines are followed as per the judgment. It is required to give correct and complete information about
your income as well as that of your spouse to the Child Custody Attorney in San Bernadino. As they agreement is put in writing, there will be no backing out, once it is passed and both the
lawyers check and witness that the child’s right is well protected and everything is to the best of interest of the child. Therefore, you should both be honest and transparent for the benefit of
your child.
Access to the Child
The responsibility of the Child Custody Attorney in San Bernadino is also to ensure that the access to the child should not be denied by the custodial parent if child support is not paid by the
other. According to the child custody and support law it is only the child’s mental development that is looked into. It is also stated in the law that if one biological parent cannot pay the
child support that does not summarily mean he or she will be disallowed access to the child to spend some quality time together.
Collection of Support
Collection of child support check is done by the FRO from the paying parent or can be automatically deducted from the bank account of the payer. FRO also has the right to charge penalty if
payment is not made. They can take half of any joint account that the payer may have with someone, or make an order for a hiding parent, cancel passports, suspend driving license, report credit
bureau and much more. Visit Here: Christina Ferrante Attorney At Law